Software deployment management personnel VNSTEEL - important Step in the transition of the interface of VNSTEEL


Chiều ngày 6/7/2023, tại trụ sở Tổng công ty Thép Việt Nam – CTCP (VNSTEEL) đã diễn ra lễ ký hợp đồng xây dựng phần mềm quản lý nhân sự giữa VNSTEEL với TinhVan Consulting để thực hiện gói thầu “Xây dựng <strong>phần mềm quản lý nhân sự</strong>” đã diễn ra trong không khí trang trọng và vui vẻ.

With determination conversion of comprehensive aims to enhance operating efficiency, business, VNSTEEL've built the route number conversion period 2022-2025. Leadership VNSTEEL have implemented the solution from investment in technology infrastructure to build software applications, in that leaders VNSTEEL software-defined personnel management is one of the important projects in order to further improve the human resources management.

Speaking at the ceremony, mr. Pham Cong Thao – member Of management BOARD, Deputy General director of VNSTEEL for that: “The personnel is always very important for any units, especially with VNSTEEL. From its inception to the present, VNSTEEL always have special interest to this work, however, must admit VNSTEEL only the application software, personnel management, on the array of documents, the array of other important still not have the tools to make it professional and modern”.

He Draft the affirmative, adding: “therefore, we need to improve and this is the moment. Through management software hr is signed build today with corporation Management Consulting Business Nebulae, we will have the tools to manage people throughout a journey from when you enter the unit until vacation, paid, premium mode.... “

Contract deployment management software, hr is an important step in the transition of the interface of VNSTEEL. This contract not only marked the remarkable cooperation between the two sides, but also bring in many benefits important for the Overall company, including management personnel more efficiently, optimizing the work process, improving the experience of employees and enhance work productivity.

So VNSTEEL have chosen Nebula Consulting is the thickness of the experience, personnel capacity, abundant, highly qualified and have the technical solution proposed is suitable to join the project.

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